Diego Gallego and Noelia Molina of LIFE SAMFIX partner University of Alicante wrote with others an overview article on Xylosandrus invasion in Europe and in particular in Spain, published in Foresta, a journal of Spanish Forestry Engineers Organization. Biological invasions are a main treat for biodiversity. Business activities linked to globalization increased invasion frequency .
The new 2.51 release of the Samfix Agent app is available on the Google Play Store platform, which improves the gaming experience, adds new missions and solves some minor bugs in sending reports to the server. Download and try it now and help us collect important data for the study of Xylosandrus! Download app.
The staff of the Circeo National Park Authority, leader of the Life project SAMFIX, on 5 and 10 February 2021 met, remotely, the guides of trekking associations operating in the Lazio area: Svalvolati into the wild: https://www.svalvolatiterracina.it/ Blue Dragonflies: https://www.libellule.org/ Paths explorers: https://www.camminesploratori.com/ Altouritaly: http://www.altouritaly.com/ During these meetings we talked about the objectives of the
The X-Traps, designed and developed within the SAMFIX project by Terrasystem, are IoT modules that can be integrated into traditional traps such as the Crosstraps produced by Econex but also adaptable to other types of traps. They allow to count and recognize daily Xylosandrus captures through the acquisition and recognition of high resolution macro photographic