From 28th to 31st October 2019 the SAMFIX group (saving Mediterranean forests from invasions of Xylosandrus beetles and associated Pathogenic fungi) will meet in Alicante to discuss the results achieved during the first year of work and to plan the new season of capture that will be started in the next months in the main
On October, 19th, 2019, Marc Bottin, botanist, guided citizens through the INRA Jardin Thuret, showing them the botanical characteristics of the plants (CASA Nature program). He informed them about xylosandrus, delivering SAMFIX flyers and telling them about the online questionnaires.
The Spanish partner SAMFIX (UA) met on October 17th with the president of the Environmental Volunteering of Llombai, the hiking group of Llombai and secretary of the GAMM association “Grup d´Acció Mediambiental del Marquesat”. A day of information on the objectives and work of SAMFIX and the value of Citizen Science and the fundamental role
On October, 12th, at Parc du Sinodon, Roquefort les Pins (06), during an explorative journey of Société des Gens des Jardins méditerranéens, Marc Bottin, botanist approved by INRA, guided a group through the park and informed visitors about xylosandrus and LIFE SAMFIX program.
The Spanish partner SAMFIX (UA) met at the end of September 2019 with agricultural technicians from the Picassent cooperatives, in the meeting room of the Picassent Town Hall, as stakeholders of the project. A day of dissemination and training of SAMFIX objectives, along with other technicians from the Picassent City Council, who were very interested