This project is co-funded by the LIFE programme of the European Union

                               Life       Natura2000
SAMFIX at the LIFE17 Kick-off meeting Nature & Biodiversity in Brussels - Life Samfix
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On 8-9 November 2018 SAMFIX Project Manager Daniele Guarneri and Management Technical Assistant Gertruud van Leijen participate to the kick-off meeting of the LIFE projects on Nature and Biodiversity that have been approved this year. During this event, organised by EASME in collaboration with the DG Environment of the European Commission and NEEMO, representatives of all the freshly started projects will share their objectives and activities, receive updates on policy developments in these sectors and be informed on LIFE programme rules.
An excellent occasion to meet the people who follow-up our project in Brussels, to start networking with other projects and to boost the quality of our project management.
Find our presentation here.